Replacement of biomass boiler with pyrolysis plant to improve economic and environmental outcomes.
The opportunity
Situated in central Sweden, an established district heating network used two 500KW biomass boilers to deliver heat to residential customers and community facilities in the village. While an improvement on fossil fuel, it was understood that simply burning biomass for heat was a missed opportunity in terms of both the environment and commercial operation.
The solution
The customer chose to deploy a single Woodtek C1000 to replace the one of the biomass boilers. Without a change in feedstock, the new system is able to continue to deliver the heat required by the community, while securely removing the carbon which was previously returning to the atmosphere. And where there was ash to dispose of, there is now biochar, which is a well-established market in Sweden and can be easily sold to forestry and municipalities seeking to improve soil health and tree growth rates. As a result, this small community is making a hugely important contribution to the fight against climate change, while generatingnew income streams. A truly sustainable solution, environmentally and economically.